LEARN with Eagerness
LEAD with Dedication
SERVE with Purpose

Monday, February 8, 2010

Newly passed out NCOs, newly posted in CLTs & recently posted out CLTs...

A very good morning to everyone...

As many of you know, the Sec 3s have recently gone through their 3-day NCO Course... Although it was only 3 days, they were taught a lot of skills necessary of an NCO... They were taught leadership skills, time management skills & many personal skills to further develop their character as a professional NCO & a person as a whole...

I would like to also thank my 8 Sec 4s who volunteered their time to come down for the camp to help train & mould our leaders...

Next on my list, P/CLT Alif, P/CLT Aishah & P/CLT Syikin would be joining me this year to help me in training ADSS NCDCC and bringing it to greater heights...

As many of you know, the CLTs are representatives from NCDCC HQ sent to schools to assist in Unit trainings... Therefore, to help the younger Units, a few CLTs from older Units would be sent over to help train these units as well... For this reason, 2 of our former CLTs were posted out from our Unit to Christ Church NCDCC Unit to assist with building up the new Unit... They are, CLT Muhammad Shafiq & P/CLT Endra Wirjaya... Eventhough they are no longer with us, the respect you have for them should be the same that you have for any other CLT...

Lastly I would like say thanks to CLT Muhammad Shafiq for assisting me for the past 1 year... It would have been very difficult handling a Unit alone... I am sure you will train up your new Unit just fine and it will soon be just as good as CHRSS NCDCC's 2 neighbours...

With that, I end my post... Reminder for my Sec 3 NCOs, do not stop improving yourself now... Your leadership training is far from over... Leadership is something you must practice to perfect...

Your Sir,
CLT Suhairi Roslan

Sunday, February 7, 2010