LEARN with Eagerness
LEAD with Dedication
SERVE with Purpose

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

All are welcomed to contribute... Just make a Blogger Account... No, I'm not advertising...

Hi everyone... Ok... This is a Unit blog... So I think anyone who has a blogger account and wants to contribute, can do so... Just inform me and give me your email address... I will not give the main account ID and password for a few reasons...

1. Anyone who posts with the main account will remain anonymous due to the fact that the name ADSS NCDCC will be reflected as the author of the post...
2. With this being so, there are bound to be jokers for will start misusing the blog for personal gain or just plain fun, joy and laughter...

For these reasons, anyone who wants to contribute to the blog needs their own blogger account... That way, if there is any content that is not so appropriate, WE know who to approach so that they can rectify it and not make the same mistake again...

I believe NCDCC is a student organisation... And it should be managed and runned by these students... Including the blog... Of course since you are students, you will always need seniors and adults to watch over you... That is something that will never change... However, what can change is how you see the CCA and the way you engage yourself in the CCA...

There are some of you that are starting to lose interest in the CCA... Well... In a way, it is not our fault... Trainings can be fun if each and everyone of you put in your ideas... That way, you will feel that training is more enjoyable because you yourself have put in something to make a difference in the Unit... I know most of you do not understand what I am talking about...

So... For junior cadets in Sec 1 and Sec 2... What can you do to make things more fun??? Small things can make your seniors and officers very happy... When they are happy, they scold less and are usually more kind... When they scold less, you are happy... Small things like coming on time, proper uniform, good behaviour, studying before tests, showing your eager-ness (eg. answering loudly, not being blur, etc)... These things may seem small... But I know that will make me very happy already, seeing my cadets so matured and independent...

And... For senior cadets in Sec 3 and Sec 4, you can actually plan special trainings aside from the normal Friday trainings... We can have, once in a while, a training specially for games... But of course, these games must have learning objectives... And of course, it should be fun... For normal Friday trainings, you can actually suggest to CLTs anything that might make training more fun... Even footdrills has games SOMETIMES... Your ideas are very important... And well, we can't have games all the time...

For ALL, junior and senior cadets, it is very important that you attend training as a team... During training, you come together... You get scolded together... You spend hard times together... So it is essential that you keep motivating one another... Push each other... Grow together... Only when you have the bond in your squads, only then will you look forward to every training... You will want to spend more time with your squadmates because 4 years is very short indeed... I am sure your Sec 4 seniors will agree with me...

So let us, officers, see how well you can take care of you and your friends... Then we will promise more fun and games... Because after all, NCDCC is about nurturing and developing our cadets into resilient and responsible citizens...

Another thing to add, I know all of you love NCDCC very much... You can't wait for trainings to start again... But please, go and concentrate on your exams... They are more important... This is your own future... NCDCC will not help you get a job in the future... We will equip you with skills so that you live life with a positive attitude... But without education, you won't have a good life to live anyway... So concentrate on your exams for now... As soon as your exams finish, we will be back and running all over the school again... Don't worry...

So from your Cadet Lieutenants, Teacher Officers and Officer Commanding, good luck for your Mid-Year Exams... Hope you pass with flying colours... Yar I know you guys miss me... Um... I mean us... Haha...

Your Sir,
CLT Suhairi Roslan

Monday, April 13, 2009

NCDCC Day Observance Ceremony was a success...

Hello!!! I'm back!!! Again... Yar I know... It's always me... Boring right??? What to do??? Anyway...

As you all know, we had our NCDCC Day Observance Ceremony this Morning in school... So what do you think of the parade??? It's simple yet meaningful... Sure... There were a few hiccoughs... Most parades have that... But there is one thing that I have to commend on... Today's parade didn't exactly go according to plan... Things went wrong... The parade procedure was not exactly how we planned it... But I have to commend everyone... Regardless of what happened, you all stayed cool, you did not panic and did not just give up... You all displayed teamwork this Morning... Even without communicating, you worked as a team... You made the parade look like it was planned that way, you kept your composure at all times and well, I was very impressed... Usually, when these things happen, cadets panic and are torn between doing things as a Unit, or doing what's right... Today, this Unit showed me that though you may not be as close across levels, when it comes to upholding our pride, you all can work as one... Let us also not forget that amidst the anxiety we all were in when things started going wrong, WO Shikin picked up the entire Unit, and carried on with the parade... For that, I also commend WO Shikin for her excellent leadership...

Also today, after school, our Sec 3 cadets stayed back after school to have their final Speech Day Rehearsal... Before the actual parade on Friday... They had a tough and exhausting training... Repeating and repeating whatever they did until standard was satisfactory... And the journey to achieving that was not easy... Right Sec 3s??? Our Unit's pride and reputation is once again, at stake... But I am confident that our Sec 3s will be fine and do a good job... Right Sec 3s??? Please don't disappoint me... Again... Haha...

Your Sir,
CLT Suhairi Roslan

Sir Suhairi told me that our TOTAL DEFENCE badge should be placed 1 finger spacing above our name tag. The way we are placing the badge now is incorrect...

Thankyou :)
LCP Ng Zhen Zhan

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Congratulations CLT Aniq Fitri and CLT Muhammad Shafiq

During our NCDCC Annual Parade training yesterday, 2 of your CLTs managed to acquire key positions in the parade... This is a big deal... Why??? Because they are CLTs of ADSS NCDCC Unit and it shows how versatile and effecient our Unit can be... We have cadets in the Supporting Contingents... We have cadets in Guard-Of-Honour Contingents... We have cadets and officers in the Colours Party... We even have an officer with a commander position... We just do not have an officer as a Flag Escort...

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate CLT Aniq Fitri for acquiring the NCDCC Service Flag Bearer position and CLT Muhammad Shafiq for acquiring the Guard-Of-Honour 2nd Contingent Commander position...

(I have one too Shafiq!!! Haha!!!)

Haha... My position has yet to be confirmed... I was just "filling up" a position yesterday and I do not know if that will be my permanent position... Regardless, my position is not important... What is important is that we recognise the efforts of our senior cadets and officers who have tirelessly been training day in day out for the parade... We only have a few more trainings before the actual day, so let us make this parade a truly memorable one, for our Unit and NCDCC as a whole...

Before I forget, today is NCDCC Day... So happy NCDCC Day to all NCDCC cadets...

Your Sir,
CLT Suhairi Roslan

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A brand new NCDCC room... Okay maybe not so new...

Hey guys,

Your so-called "fierce" Sir here... Ok... Would like to clear a few things... I am STRICT, not FIERCE... I want things done properly... That's being strict... I don't like scolding... Which means I am NOT fierce... Haha... Everyone wants to enjoy during training (even me) but there is a time for everything... Sometimes fun, sometimes serious... Can??? Haha... Anyway...

This Afternoon, me, CLT Shafiq, a couple of the Sec 3s(literally), a bunch of Sec 1s and 1 of the Sec 4s, cleaned and WASHED the NCDCC Room... Took a few photos... Thought of uploading it but they had violent objections... So yar... So the room is now squeaky clean... Well... Almost... So whoever uses the room, be it Sec 1, 2, 3 or 4, can you please please please please please maintain the cleanliness of the room??? If it gets dirty again, I'll make sure everyone cleans it this time... Haha...

Also, for the not-so-observant, when you walk into the room, there are make-shift racks against the wall in front of you... Kindly arrange all bags on the floor, 2nd or 3rd level of the racks NEATLY during training... I took a lot of time making those... It's a temporary solution until we find a better way to store all the bags (instead of the current all over the floor arrangement)...

Lastly, this blog is a tool for officers and cadets to communicate... Comments on how to improve the Unit or Training (or any other issues) can be posted on the Tagboard... Before tagging, please state rank and name clearly so we know who is giving the comment... If you are facing a problem and do not feel comfortable writing it on the Tagboard, you may approach any CLT, TO or OC that you feel comfortable talking to... All information will be kept strictly confidential... All ADSS NCDCC cadets are welcomed to contact me at (MSN & Email) or 94280801 (HP)...

Good day and have a pleasant weekend...

Your strict, not fierce Sir,
CLT Suhairi Roslan

Monday, April 6, 2009


Please be reminded that NCDCC Day is on next Monday, 13April09.
Please be in school by 6.30am.
Please be in FULL UNIFORM ( Proper attired )

Thank You :)
LCP Ng Zhen Zhan

Remember the NCDCC Pledge:

We, members of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps,
pledge to serve our community.
We take pride in our training and uniform.
We are responsible for our actions.
We are loyal to the Nation.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Next NCDCC Day Parade Training.

Date: 11 April 09, Saturday
Time: 8am-12pm
Location: BRTC

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Opening of our ADSS NCDCC Blog!

YO every cadets of ADSS NCDCC! This is LCP Ng Zhen Zhan. I've just created this blog. The setting up of this blog was suggested by me to Mr Mike because we can post announcements and some pictures here like what i saw in other schools' NCDCC blogs.
That's all!
Bye Bye!