LEARN with Eagerness
LEAD with Dedication
SERVE with Purpose

Monday, April 13, 2009

NCDCC Day Observance Ceremony was a success...

Hello!!! I'm back!!! Again... Yar I know... It's always me... Boring right??? What to do??? Anyway...

As you all know, we had our NCDCC Day Observance Ceremony this Morning in school... So what do you think of the parade??? It's simple yet meaningful... Sure... There were a few hiccoughs... Most parades have that... But there is one thing that I have to commend on... Today's parade didn't exactly go according to plan... Things went wrong... The parade procedure was not exactly how we planned it... But I have to commend everyone... Regardless of what happened, you all stayed cool, you did not panic and did not just give up... You all displayed teamwork this Morning... Even without communicating, you worked as a team... You made the parade look like it was planned that way, you kept your composure at all times and well, I was very impressed... Usually, when these things happen, cadets panic and are torn between doing things as a Unit, or doing what's right... Today, this Unit showed me that though you may not be as close across levels, when it comes to upholding our pride, you all can work as one... Let us also not forget that amidst the anxiety we all were in when things started going wrong, WO Shikin picked up the entire Unit, and carried on with the parade... For that, I also commend WO Shikin for her excellent leadership...

Also today, after school, our Sec 3 cadets stayed back after school to have their final Speech Day Rehearsal... Before the actual parade on Friday... They had a tough and exhausting training... Repeating and repeating whatever they did until standard was satisfactory... And the journey to achieving that was not easy... Right Sec 3s??? Our Unit's pride and reputation is once again, at stake... But I am confident that our Sec 3s will be fine and do a good job... Right Sec 3s??? Please don't disappoint me... Again... Haha...

Your Sir,
CLT Suhairi Roslan

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